Ásbjörg Jónsdóttir
Mörsugur - Poetic tale / solo opera for voice, electronics and visuals. Music Co-created with Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir, poems by Ragnheiður Erla, visuals by Ásdís Gylfadóttir. Co-created with Heiða Árnadóttir (vocalist) and Ragnheiður Erla.
Edda / 12 songs to poems from Edda by Harpa Rún Kristjánsdóttir - for vocal quartet (commissioned by Óperudagar)
Hofsós & Værð (songs to poems by Gerður Kristný) - for soprano, accordion and saxophone
Húm (a song to a poem by Ingibjörg Haraldsdóttir) - for soprano, accordion and saxophone
Um blóm í Skálholti - for woodwind trio (composed for Taffelpikene for a musical theater performed at Skálholt Summer Music Festival)
Hugleiðing um hlustun áferð og efni - for string quartet (composed for Salurinn and Strokkvartettinn Siggi)
Draumar í lit – flute trio for Aulos Ensemble (commissioned by Aulos Ensemble).
Ljóð fyrir loftslagið (5 songs to poems by children) - for soprano, viola and marimba (commissioned by Óperudagar)
What Lies Beneath – electronic music for a dance piece.
Máría: móðir guðs og meyjan skæra – for mixed choir and a chamber orchestra.
Helga EA2 – for voice and electronics (funded by Tónskáldasjóður RÚV og Stef).
Ef ég mætti yrkja – for women's choir or 1-3 singers with a loop station.
Veröld fláa – for women's choir.
Sú þátíð sem ég geymi – for women's choir (with a loop station), prepared piano, a glass and a cup.
Þrjú lög við ljóð Snorra Hjartarsonar – for three voices, electronics, langeleik and a small organ or accordion.
Fiðrildi – for accordion and alto saxophone (commissioned by Ásta Soffía Þorgeirsdóttir and Anders Abelseth, funded by Tónskáldsjóður RÚV og Stef).
Lognið logna– for accordion and alto saxophone (commissioned by Ásta Soffía Þorgeirsdóttir and Anders Abelseth, funded by Tónskáldsjóður RÚV og Stef).
TónÓður fyrir Guðríði – a celebration piece for the new organ at Guðríðarkirkja and organist Hrönn Helgadóttir (funded by Tónmenntasjóður kirkjunnar).
(H)ljótt og (h)vítt: (h)ljóðmyndir – for guitar, harp and bass clarinet.
Reasons to be Pretty – for a rock band: music for theater.
Diagram Diaries and Other Stories – for chamber orchestra. Performed by Caput at 15:15 in the Nordic House in 2017 and by Performance 20/20 in Hartt School of Music.
Trollsongs – for two tubas and a brass ensemble.
Home is Where Your Light is – for electric guitar, voice and the acoustics of a lighthouse.
Home is Where THE Light is – for cello, flute and the acoustics of a lighthouse.
Stöllur – for women's choir (commissioned for the 10th anniversary of the choir Stöllur, funded by Tónskáldasjóður RÚV og Stef).
Endalaus gleði – 12 new songs for a children's choir.
Gef mér kærleik – for mixed choir. Performed by the Church Choir of Guðríðarkirkja in a mass broadcasted by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.
Í fjarlægum skógi – for mixed choir, children choir, piano, double bass and percussion. Composed for a choral festival which will be held in october 2015.
Sálmur 100 – for mixed choir, comissioned by the Reykjavík Cathedral Choir in 2014. Performed at Tónlistardagar Dómkirkjunnar and in a mass broadcasted by the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.
Veröld þín – song cycle for soprano and piano. Performed by Duo Kolka in Viðey and at my final concert in may 2014.
HUG-Myndir - concerto for piano and a small orchestra. Performed at my final concert in Harpa in may 2014. Also chosen by Foot in the Door Ensemble to be performed in Hartford, Connecticut and on Dark Music Days in january 2015.
Gleym-mér-ei - Suite for a symphony orchestra.
Dimmblátt djúp – for piano and wind quintet.
Stiklað á steinum – for harp, cello and percussion. Composed for Duo Harpverk and Elektra Ensemble and performed in april 2013.
Fjaðrafit – for solo piano in three movements.
B.B. – for 2 singers, piano, violin, cello, flute, clarinet and electric bass.
Næturhiminn – for solo guitar in three movements.
Dýrgripir – for piano and baritone.
Ugla sat á kvisti – for harp and percussion. Composed for Duo Harpverk and performed at Dark Music Days in january 2012.